Occupational therapy

Discover our section dedicated to the practice of occupational therapy.
A category specifically designed for occupational therapists, featuring all the specialized equipment for this profession: daily living aids, education participation, game participation, cognitive skills, etc.
Also, explore our Alzheimer’s section by clicking here. A section specifically designed to support Alzheimer’s patients. You’ll find all the tools needed to meet patients’ needs, to be used in professional settings or adapted for home use.

At Raiqa, we understand that every child is unique, and so are their needs. We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of toys and tools designed to support the diverse developmental needs of all children. From sensory toys that stimulate and soothe, to educational games that encourage cognitive growth, to inclusive playthings that ensure no child is left behind, we have something for everyone. Explore our carefully curated selection and discover solutions that inspire learning, foster creativity, and promote inclusivity. Let us help you find the perfect tools to support every child's journey towards growth and joy.
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